
00001 VERSION 5.00
00002 Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX"
00003 Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "MSCOMCTL.OCX"
00004 Begin VB.Form Form1 
00005    Caption         =   "RasterPic"
00006    ClientHeight    =   5940
00007    ClientLeft      =   60
00008    ClientTop       =   345
00009    ClientWidth     =   6855
00010    Icon            =   "Form1.frx":0000
00011    LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
00012    ScaleHeight     =   396
00013    ScaleMode       =   3  'Pixel
00014    ScaleWidth      =   457
00015    StartUpPosition =   3  'Windows Default
00016    Begin VB.CommandButton CmdBreak 
00017       Caption         =   "Break"
00018       Height          =   375
00019       Left            =   3720
00020       TabIndex        =   13
00021       Top             =   120
00022       Visible         =   0   'False
00023       Width           =   855
00024    End
00025    Begin MSComctlLib.Slider SldBlue 
00026       Height          =   255
00027       Left            =   3600
00028       TabIndex        =   11
00029       Top             =   1080
00030       Width           =   2295
00031       _ExtentX        =   4048
00032       _ExtentY        =   450
00033       _Version        =   393216
00034       LargeChange     =   16
00035       Max             =   255
00036       TickFrequency   =   16
00037    End
00038    Begin MSComctlLib.Slider SldRed 
00039       Height          =   255
00040       Left            =   3600
00041       TabIndex        =   9
00042       Top             =   720
00043       Width           =   2295
00044       _ExtentX        =   4048
00045       _ExtentY        =   450
00046       _Version        =   393216
00047       LargeChange     =   16
00048       Max             =   255
00049       TickFrequency   =   16
00050    End
00051    Begin VB.ComboBox ComboScale 
00052       Height          =   315
00053       Left            =   2160
00054       TabIndex        =   8
00055       Text            =   "Combo1"
00056       Top             =   840
00057       Width           =   1095
00058    End
00059    Begin VB.CommandButton CmdBackColor 
00060       Caption         =   "Set Back Color"
00061       Height          =   375
00062       Left            =   120
00063       TabIndex        =   7
00064       Top             =   840
00065       Width           =   1335
00066    End
00067    Begin VB.Frame Frame1 
00068       Caption         =   "Info"
00069       Height          =   975
00070       Left            =   0
00071       TabIndex        =   6
00072       Top             =   4800
00073       Width           =   6855
00074       Begin VB.Label LblInfo 
00075          Height          =   615
00076          Left            =   120
00077          TabIndex        =   5
00078          Top             =   240
00079          Width           =   6495
00080       End
00081    End
00082    Begin VB.CommandButton CmdSave 
00083       Caption         =   "Save As..."
00084       Height          =   375
00085       Left            =   4680
00086       TabIndex        =   3
00087       Top             =   120
00088       Width           =   1095
00089    End
00090    Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog ComDlg 
00091       Left            =   4680
00092       Top             =   3960
00093       _ExtentX        =   847
00094       _ExtentY        =   847
00095       _Version        =   393216
00096    End
00097    Begin VB.CommandButton CmdRaster 
00098       Caption         =   "Make Raster"
00099       Height          =   375
00100       Left            =   2520
00101       TabIndex        =   2
00102       Top             =   120
00103       Width           =   1095
00104    End
00105    Begin VB.CommandButton CmdLoad 
00106       Caption         =   "Open File"
00107       Default         =   -1  'True
00108       Height          =   375
00109       Left            =   120
00110       TabIndex        =   1
00111       Top             =   120
00112       Width           =   1095
00113    End
00114    Begin VB.PictureBox PicDst 
00115       AutoRedraw      =   -1  'True
00116       AutoSize        =   -1  'True
00117       Height          =   1455
00118       Left            =   3480
00119       ScaleHeight     =   93
00120       ScaleMode       =   3  'Pixel
00121       ScaleWidth      =   101
00122       TabIndex        =   4
00123       Top             =   1560
00124       Width           =   1575
00125    End
00126    Begin VB.PictureBox PicSrc 
00127       AutoRedraw      =   -1  'True
00128       AutoSize        =   -1  'True
00129       Height          =   1455
00130       Left            =   0
00131       ScaleHeight     =   93
00132       ScaleMode       =   3  'Pixel
00133       ScaleWidth      =   77
00134       TabIndex        =   0
00135       Top             =   1560
00136       Width           =   1215
00137    End
00138    Begin VB.Label LblBlue 
00139       Caption         =   "Blue: 0"
00140       Height          =   255
00141       Left            =   6000
00142       TabIndex        =   12
00143       Top             =   1080
00144       Width           =   855
00145    End
00146    Begin VB.Label LblRed 
00147       Caption         =   "Red: 0"
00148       Height          =   255
00149       Left            =   6000
00150       TabIndex        =   10
00151       Top             =   720
00152       Width           =   855
00153    End
00154    Begin VB.Shape ShpBackCol 
00155       FillStyle       =   0  'Solid
00156       Height          =   375
00157       Left            =   1560
00158       Shape           =   4  'Rounded Rectangle
00159       Top             =   840
00160       Width           =   375
00161    End
00162    Begin VB.Image ImgDummy 
00163       Height          =   2895
00164       Left            =   1080
00165       Top             =   1800
00166       Visible         =   0   'False
00167       Width           =   2655
00168    End
00169 End
00170 Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
00171 Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
00172 Attribute VB_Creatable = False
00173 Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
00174 Attribute VB_Exposed = False
00175 Option Explicit
00177 Dim scaler As Long
00178 Dim backCol As Long
00179 Dim redCol As Long
00180 Dim blueCol As Long
00181 Dim breaker As Boolean
00183 Private Sub CmdBackColor_Click()
00184     On Error GoTo Hell
00185     ComDlg.ShowColor
00186     backCol = ComDlg.Color
00187     ShpBackCol.FillColor = backCol
00188     Exit Sub
00189 Hell:
00190     MsgBox "Color select error." & vbNewLine & _
00191             "You may only use black as background color!" _
00192             , , "RasterPic Error"
00193 End Sub
00195 Private Sub CmdBreak_Click()
00196     breaker = True
00197 End Sub
00199 Private Sub CmdLoad_Click()
00200     On Error GoTo Hell
00201     Dim fileName As String
00202     ComDlg.Filter = "Pic Files (*.bmp;*.cur;*.emf;*.gif;*.jpg;*.ico;*.rle;*.wmf)|*.bmp;*.cur;*.emf;*.gif;*.jpg;*.ico;*.rle;*.wmf|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
00203     CmdSave.Enabled = False
00204     ComDlg.DialogTitle = "Open a fuckin' file, if you have balls."
00205     ComDlg.fileName = ""
00206     ComDlg.ShowOpen
00207     fileName = ComDlg.fileName
00208     If (fileName <> "") Then
00209         PicSrc.Picture = ImgDummy.Picture
00210         PicDst.Picture = ImgDummy.Picture
00211         PicSrc.Picture = LoadPicture(fileName)
00212         resizePicDst
00213         CmdRaster.Enabled = True
00214         CmdRaster.SetFocus
00215         ComDlg.InitDir = fileName
00216         showInfoPic
00217     Else
00218         LblInfo.Caption = "Why do you not load a pic? " & _
00219         vbNewLine & "Fucker!"
00220     End If
00221     Exit Sub
00222 Hell:
00223     MsgBox "Open file error." & vbNewLine & _
00224             "Only open valid picture files!", , "RasterPic Error"
00225 End Sub
00227 Private Sub CmdRaster_Click()
00228     On Error GoTo Hell
00229     Dim maxX As Long
00230     Dim maxY As Long
00231     Dim x As Long
00232     Dim y As Long
00233     Dim i As Long
00234     Dim c As Long
00235     Dim percent As Single
00236     resizePicDst
00237     PicDst.Picture = ImgDummy.Picture
00238     maxX = PicSrc.ScaleWidth - 1
00239     maxY = PicSrc.ScaleHeight - 1
00240     If (maxY = 0) Then maxY = 1
00241     percent = 100 / maxY
00242     CmdBreak.Visible = True
00243     CmdBreak.SetFocus
00244     CmdLoad.Enabled = False
00245     CmdRaster.Enabled = False
00246     CmdSave.Enabled = False
00247     For y = 0 To maxY
00248         For x = 0 To maxX
00249             c = PicSrc.Point(x, y)
00250             c = RGB(redCol, (c \ &H100) And &HFF, blueCol)
00251             PicDst.Line (x * scaler, y * scaler)-(x * scaler + scaler, y * scaler), c
00252             For i = 1 To scaler - 1
00253                 PicDst.Line (0, y * scaler + i)-(maxX * scaler + scaler, y * scaler + i), backCol
00254             Next i
00255         Next x
00256         LblInfo.Caption = "Progress: " & Format(percent * y, "0") & _
00257         "%" & vbNewLine & "Ey, Player: Use the Red- and Blue-Slider for interaction!"
00258         DoEvents
00259         If (breaker) Then Exit For
00260     Next y
00261     CmdBreak.Visible = False
00262     breaker = False
00263     PicDst.Picture = PicDst.Image
00264     LblInfo.Caption = "New pic width: " & PicDst.ScaleWidth & _
00265             " hight: " & PicDst.ScaleHeight & vbNewLine & _
00266             "Press 'Shave As...' to save your ass."
00267     CmdLoad.Enabled = True
00268     CmdRaster.Enabled = True
00269     CmdSave.Enabled = True
00270     CmdSave.SetFocus
00271     Exit Sub
00272 Hell:
00273     MsgBox "Render error." & vbNewLine & _
00274             "Please open an other picture file" & _
00275             " or adjust the scale.", , "RasterPic Error"
00276 End Sub
00278 Private Sub CmdSave_Click()
00279     On Error GoTo Hell
00280     Dim fileName As String
00281     ComDlg.Filter = "Bitmap File (*.bmp)|*.bmp"
00282     ComDlg.DialogTitle = "Why did they treat us this respectless?!"
00283     ComDlg.fileName = ""
00284     SavePicture PicDst.Picture, "c:\xxx.jpg"
00285     ComDlg.ShowSave
00286     fileName = ComDlg.fileName
00287     If (fileName <> "") Then
00288         If (LCase$(Right$(fileName, 4)) <> ".bmp") Then
00289             fileName = Left$(fileName, Len(fileName) - 4) & ".bmp"
00290         End If
00291         'SavePicture PicDst.Picture, fileName
00292         LblInfo.Caption = "Pic saved as: " & fileName & _
00293         vbNewLine & "[new virus installed: MeiLing.vbs]"
00294         CmdLoad.SetFocus
00295     Else
00296         LblInfo.Caption = "Are you to weak to save a file?" _
00297             & vbNewLine & "Fucker!"
00298     End If
00299     Exit Sub
00300 Hell:
00301     MsgBox "Save file error." & vbNewLine & _
00302             "Please save file with an other filename." & _
00303             " Ensure, you have permission to write on disk." _
00304             , , "RasterPic Error"
00305 End Sub
00307 Private Sub ComboScale_Click()
00308     Dim s As String
00309     s = ComboScale.Text
00310     s = Left$(s, 7)
00311     s = Right$(s, 1)
00312     scaler = CLng(Val(s))
00313     resizePicDst
00314     showInfoPic
00315 End Sub
00317 Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
00318     If (KeyCode = vbKeyC And Shift = vbCtrlMask) Then
00319         If (PicDst.Picture > 0) Then
00320             Clipboard.SetData PicDst.Picture, vbCFBitmap
00321             LblInfo.Caption = "New pic is now in clipboard." & vbNewLine & "Oh my god. You are a Copy-Fucker!"
00322         End If
00323     End If
00324 End Sub
00326 Private Sub Form_Load()
00327     On Error GoTo Hell
00328     ComDlg.InitDir = App.Path
00329     CmdSave.Enabled = False
00330     CmdRaster.Enabled = False
00331     ComboScale.AddItem ("Scale 2x")
00332     ComboScale.AddItem ("Scale 3x")
00333     ComboScale.AddItem ("Scale 4x")
00334     ComboScale.AddItem ("Scale 5x")
00335     ComboScale.Text = "Scale 2x"
00336     scaler = 2
00337     resizePicDst
00338     LblInfo.Caption = "Open a file." & vbNewLine & "Fucker!"
00339     Me.KeyPreview = True
00340     Form1.Show
00341     CmdLoad.SetFocus
00342     Exit Sub
00343 Hell:
00344     MsgBox "Program start error." & vbNewLine & _
00345             "Please read the 'ReadMe.txt' file." & _
00346             " Ensure, you have all runtime librarys installed." _
00347             , , "RasterPic Error"
00348 End Sub
00350 Private Sub Form_Resize()
00351     Frame1.Top = Form1.ScaleHeight - Frame1.Height
00352     Frame1.Width = Form1.ScaleWidth
00353 End Sub
00355 Private Sub SldBlue_Scroll()
00356     blueCol = SldBlue.Value
00357     LblBlue.Caption = "Blue: " & blueCol
00358 End Sub
00360 Private Sub SldRed_Scroll()
00361     redCol = SldRed.Value
00362     LblRed.Caption = "Red: " & redCol
00363 End Sub
00365 Private Sub resizePicDst()
00366     PicDst.Height = (PicSrc.Height) * scaler - (4 * (scaler - 1))
00367     PicDst.Width = (PicSrc.Width) * scaler - (4 * (scaler - 1))
00368 End Sub
00370 Private Sub showInfoPic()
00371     Dim fName As String
00372     fName = ComDlg.fileName
00373     If (fName <> "") Then
00374     LblInfo.Caption = "Pic: " & fName & vbNewLine & _
00375             "Width: " & PicSrc.ScaleWidth & _
00376             " Hight: " & PicSrc.ScaleHeight & vbNewLine & _
00377             " 'Make Raster' will last about " & _
00378             Format((PicSrc.Height * PicSrc.Width) / 2000 * scaler, "0") & _
00379             " seconds, Coc'Sucker!"
00380     End If
00381 End Sub

Generated on Sun Jan 6 16:04:21 2008 for RasterPic by  doxygen 1.5.4